There are crazy times, with the silicon shortage, the prices on the rise. Last time I discussed Blue Pill Prices, about half a year ago (end of October 2020), I mentioned 10-packs a € 14,78. These days a 10-pack of Blue Pills costs € 44,45. From the same seller, A 10-pack of F401 Black Pills costs € 31,61. Crazy times, to get Black Pills cheaper then Blue Pills. Note that the F411 Black Pill still costs ore then the F103 Blue Pill, namely € 56,44. But still… it’s crazy to see Black Pills being cheaper then Blue pills.
The price of Rabbit Pills has gone up to € 2,20. Back in 2018, the last time I bought a Rabbit Pill, it was about € 1,35. A 10-pack of stm8blue (stm8s103) is € 10,87, where I used to pay € 0,55 per piece back in 2017. ATMega328p “pro mini” 10 pack costs € 15,19, but I have no historic price on record.
These are crazy times. I wonder if and when things will go back to normal.

Whose logo is this?
Besides these crazy prices, I have noticed some more Black Pill variants showing up. There is a model with holes being listed as well these days. Also a green STM32F4xx board has popped up. Does anyone know whose logo this is? I have seen this this before, but I don’t know where. Who designed this new Black Pill?