Black Pill

This page is a work in Progress

Black Pill - STM32F401CCU6 - V1.3

Black Pill – STM32F401CCU6 – V1.3

Black Pill - STM32F411CEU6 - V1.3

Black Pill – STM32F411CEU6 – V1.3

Known in the community as Black Pill
Search term on eBay/AliExpress STM32F4 Development Board

The Black Pill is a board that appeared more recently on eBay and AliExpress. At the moment, there are two variants found, STM32F401CCU6 and STM32F411CEU6. They share the same PCB, the only difference is the microcontroller. There are multiple revisions of the PCB around. The version depicted above is V1.3. I’ve also come across V1.2, which lacks the push button marked “KEY”.